Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Long time coming

I feel like its been ages since I've written on this thing!! Life has changed significantly for me! I quit my old job at the ad agency and now work at a digital ad network...I got promoted and am getting paid much more! I love my new job and the environment. So absolutely no complaints in the career department!! I work from 10-6 and its nice not having to stay past 7 PM.

I wish before I graduated the professors would have said something on the lines of "college forces people to come together...real world is nothing like that!" I've been trying to put myself out there and meet new people but its hard. I've been pro-active and joined a volleyball league....hilarious right? But I think this is the first step in the right path for me. Love life? Well that is non-existent. I had my first New York asshole experience though...

So I had a pre-game party at my apartment with one of my roommates...and I invited a girl that I went to college with to come. She invited one of her guy friends who then brought one of his friends. We will call him Bobby. Well Bobby and I hit it off...and we made out heavily at the bars. Whatever it happens...well he ended up coming home with me and we hooked up. He said and did all the right things. I fell for it. I thought with my tiny brain that maybe for once I met a nice guy through a friend! Well boy was I wrong. He and I texted back and for about a week. And he asked me to go to happy hour but I was working out at that point. And I reached out to him during the weekend to see if maybe if he wanted to meet up at the bars. Basically- long story short. If a guy was into you he will make every effort to see you and want to hang out with you. This guy not so much. In the beginning he did...but alas, at the end he didn't. So it was hard accepting the fact that "he's just not that in to me" and moving on. I would think what was wrong with ME? What did I DO? When in reality it wasn't me. In fact its his loss! I'm not dumb enough to keep being persistent and try to convince him to like me. That's not fair.

So what can I do to improve myself? Well, for once in my life I accept it that its ok to be single and I should just be me. Yes- there will be days where I wish I had someone to be with and cuddle. But I have to be ok in my own skin.

And Mark..from the previous entries we didn't end up working out. For me there was no va va voom and sparks! I had honestly no desire to meet him up and want to hang out with him. He did make the effort to ask me to hang out..but I never asked hm. So in this case I was the Bobby and he was me! Funny how life is eh?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Today was a pretty eventful day for me. One of the magazines took my team out to Barneys New York to go jean shopping and I got a great new pair of Citizens for free :)! That was a really nice thing.

But prior to my nice thing..I messed at work majorly and my bosses boss told her and she IM's me. I shouldn't have made the mistake that I did and I apologized profusely for it and I also told her that I take full responsibility. And her response was I feel like you just don't get it.....the mag rep had to call us to ask about the order. I know it was my mistake and I regret it. I felt like shit and I basically bawled my eyes for the two hours.

I called my friend Leslie and my brother after the Barneys trip. Leslie and I work together and she is in the same position as I am. Her boss is rough like mine and she makes mistakes frequently. We don't do it intentionally and thats why they are called mistakes. She really understood me and it was just really comforting being able to just have someone get it. My brother brought up an amazing point he said to me that you have to think forward/towards the future. You cannot dwell in the past and let your co-workers/team control your emotions. What can they do to you? Can they hit you or throw you in jail? No! And to be honest if i were to get fired or I won't have to stress about income because I have my family and unemployment assistance. My roommate and I talked about it as well and she brought up a really good point. That everyone from high school, college and entry level positions always get the shitty job because they get taken for granted. But things will get better and it will improve. It sucks not but will improve. I have to just keep telling myself that. I can't cry anymore, my eyes are beyond puffy.

I have decided to go to work 30 minutes early the day before a project is due and I am going to work early tomorrow because I have to fix something that I realized when I came home I made a mistake in. So I am working on me.

My friend Emily recommended me a great book by Micheal J. Fox. So I'll get it :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


This past weekend was quite uneventful and I didn't really do much. I basically babysat all weekend and hung out with my family during the evenings. I saw Mark on Saturday night and it was fun! I mean maybe I'm just socially awkward and I don't know. Well, basically nothing happened he like light candles and turned off the lights to watch the movie. We watched The Best in Show a show about dogs..hahaha!!! At the end of the night he didn't even try to make a move? I'm not sure what to do...is it because I'm uninterested? I don't know maybe its something in my brain...*sigh*

Work has been steady and not too crazy because the client is having their yearly meeting in Paris. Its been quite nice not having to really stress out about work...but when they come back its going to be insane all over again! Dragon lady has been quite calm and chill as well...But it has still been a long journey for me to grasp the material. I still thinking about an internal transfer but I think I just need to wait for a bit before doing so. So lets hope it will all work out!! My deadline will be my 9th month!!

My roommate is ridiculous...she asked the other roomie and I if we ate her eggs. WTF? Nobody ate her damn eggs! The roomie and I were like um no..and finally I said well Amy don't you eat a lot of them? And you had some on Saturday and said "well maybe you ate it on Saturday?" and she's like its not a big deal but someone is eating them...WTF? Nobody is eating your damn eggs and she said at one point "you don't need to get so defensive." I swear to god what is wrong with her??

I'm so over match.com and just need to leave it! I am over it like yesterdays salad.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Ok first off I'm never the one to EVER be speechless and not have ANYTHING to say. But today was a rare exception. It has nothing to do with work. In fact work was not bad today. I had the ah-ha moment and my friend Kendra pretty much said to me you just gotta suck it up and become the glorified assistant. So I made a sign and hung it up that says "G.A" to remind myself to be the best fucking thing Dragon Lady has ever seen. EVER. But it was a slow day which was nice. I didn't mind it all..and I hope it will continue :)!!

Ok I got off of work at 5 PM which is a rare and NICE treat. I decided to go to the gym since I wasn't meeting Chris till 7:30 at a winebar. I do my workout and come back and eat a Smartone. Obviously that was pretty much my appetizer since I worked out for like an hour. I meet Chris at the winebar and he isn't nearly as cute as the picture. But its ok I can look past the looks and he was tall which was nice. Speaking of tall Mark's profile says he's 6 ft I find that to be bullshit. Anyways we sit down and order a glass of wine..I get a cabnet sauv and he gets a white wine. The waitress brings the food menu and he politely declines...which is fine I guess since the guy normally always pays. The conversation was insane. He would rant about the town positions he father was in which is fine but he just delved in depth about it all and I have no fucking clue what the guy is talking about. So I would interject into the conversation and agree with him or make a comment to keep up with the conversation. Well homeboy just kept on going and pretty much cut me off in the conversation. It almost as if he enjoys listening to himself talk. I was just thinking in my head shut up already jeez!!! Besides the point. The check arrives and I always ALWAYS offer to pay for my half and every single time I've been on a date the guy always ALWAYS says "no its ok I got it." But not Chris he goes "ok!" The bill is $21 and he pulls out his wallet and he has two twenty dollar bills, two fives and a one. Well he didn't want to break his twenties and so he put in $11 cash and I put the rest on my credit card INCLUDING tip!!! I paid $14 dollars and at this point I'm thinking to myself get me out of here seriously!!! I understand he works for the government and probably not getting paid too well. But still that's besides the point!!! I paid $14 dollars and we walk to the subway together and we both said thank you and have a good night. i normally always say thank you for such a great night! We have o do it again. With this guy HELL NO. i'm not stupid!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Awkward Turtle

Yes, I think you should do the hand motion as your reading this!!

Dragon lady came back from being on vacation for an entire week. At first when I first saw her she greeted me enthusiastically and was so refreshing- vacation did her good. So we started to get slammed with work and I had a project to do. At first when she explained what she wanted me to do I was a bit confused...obviously I didn't tell her that. I just had to sit there afterwards and really think about what she just said ya know? Well, nonetheless I figured it out on my own and started to work on it. Its pretty much similar to another project that I normally to have to do and just a different way to do it. Well, she realized the numbers weren't matching up and was getting angry which I don't blame her because I shouldn't be making those mistakes. But I'm human and I swear every day we are updating so much and I just can't keep up at times. Thats not a good thing NOR an excuse by any means. But its just really frustrating when she treats me like crap and makes me feel really shitty about myself. When she said "so these numbers aren't correct?? And we presented the the client like this??" How would a normal person respond? They would say ok I'm sorry. Well, thats exactly what I said and her response "this is not an ok matter." WTF do you want from me? Do you want me to start crying and apologize profusely with one hand and foot in the air?? Anyways later on she was like I need for you to figure out what you did wrong..and back track. Which I was able to and finally it was fine. But she honestly belittles me and to be quite honest I get REALLY tense when she wants me to do things/projects. Its fine I don't mind doing work because thats my job but treat me like a damn human being.

I am just not happy in my position and would love to move to a different department. I spoke with someone on the digital team and they said regardless of my transition I still need to start at the bottom. So what's the point for me to be working a full year in my position which is the COMPLETE opposite of what I want to do. The skills/experience I gain won't be applicable because it has nothing to do with the digital side of things. So what I would like to do is transition into a different position by like month 9-10. I just don't know how..and where to even begin. So pretty much I've been researching and speaking with other people...so we shall see. PLEASE keep your fingers cross and hope I can just do it without dragon lady giving me negative energy. If anything I think she will be relieved ya know?

A magazine rep took the whole team out to dinner at Abe and Auther's. It was soooooo good!!! I mean I could never go on my own because well the prices were a BIT steep..and entree alone was $40. Of course Jessie stole the show and made the whole table laugh. My bosses boss ADORES her and its just really frustrating because everyone loves her. Do I get envious yeah..but I ground myself and make myself feel better. I told a story and it definitely did not have the same response. Depressing? I know. I just feel like I am literally the step-child of my team. Nobody except for Amber really understands me..I seriously think Dragon Lady bad mouthes me. Paranoid? A bit.

I'm meeting Chris tomorrow evening at a wine bar which should be really fun. I'm pretty excited but I don't have high hopes/expectations. He seems to be a really nice, smart, and funny type of guy. PLUS reallyyyy cute hahaha! Mark and I were texting during the evening and when I was at dinner. At one point he goes "what are you doing this weekend? Lets hang out I had so much fun last time!" And me being the sarcastic person said "really? well thats good one us felt that way..haha I crack myself up!!" Well, homeboy clearly didn't get the sarcasm and said "ok well have a good night!" WTF? I figured out match.com seriously its not me!! Its the guys on it...they are the socially awkward guys!!! Thats what it is...and thats the reason why they are on there. For me this is a form of entertainment, free meal, and getting to meet new people SOBERLY!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I went to the Jersey Shore this weekend to see one of my best friends from my sorority...and my roommate from college and in my sorority came as well. It was the most perfect weekend ever. I really appreciate the suburbs, trees, cars, a house, etc. SO much since living in the city. The weekend was filled with sun, beach, sailing, lots and LOTS of eating. I went to my first NJ bar called Bar A (it stands for Anticipation lol) I must say I was one of the classier broads at the bar. These girls work shirts as dresses with push up bras and I've never seen so many guys in printed t-shirts, chains, and more importantly they had more products in their hair compared to mine!! The weather was soo perfect for laying out and sailing. I literally ate myself silly there..my friends parents were SO sweet..and I loved how accommodating they were to all my needs (which i didn't have any lol but still its the thought that counts!)

I went on a date tonight with Ken. He is the lawyer...really nice guy and easy on the eyes. I figured out his flaw which is so bad of me..but he is the male laughter of Fran Dresher. Like the nasal hahahaha laugh. But between Mark with Nathanal Lane laugh and this guy..sheesh! But it was fun on the date. We both had great conversations and drink wine :).

After writing like 20 LONG e-mails back and forth with Chris I finally just made the move and said lets hang out sometime! So we are meeting for drinks on Thursday...he is super cute. But god knows what his voice/laugh will be like. I hope it will be fun because he seems so funny and legit.

There is another guy in the picture and he sent me a VIP e-mail...on Match.com you get to send ONE vip email a week and he sent it to me. I felt kinda special lol as corny as that sounds. But he seems to be kinda cute but we shall see how that ends up.

I can't believe its already June!! Where has the time flown?? I guess summer is here and I can finally relax a little!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Like every morning getting onto the elevator in my work building is a game to me. The game is called How Many People can you Fit into a Small Elevator without it Breaking Down? Fun game right? It is absolutely absurd when the elevator is packed annnd there is that one asshole who crams themselves into it last minute...as in the door is slowly shutting and they put their hand out to stop it. Can you really not wait max 2 WHOLE MINUTES, or 120 seconds for the next available elevator? Really people??

Last night after work a magazine rep took us to a class called Soul Cycle. Its a cycling class in a room that is 150 degrees for 45 minutes. Needless to say I am so sore right now but its a good kind of soreness. At the end of the class they include an arm session which again needless to say my arms are super sore.

I can't let Amber or Jessie bring me down. Amber joined in the Soul Cycling class yesterday and we chatted for a while...but at times she can be really snippy with me. Which I think she has no right to do..its ill mannered. Granted I can be at times as well. But I CAN'T LET THEM BITCHES BRING ME DOWN :)!

Chris is so freaking cute and we write really long messages to each other. But homeboy has YET to ask me on a date! Why?? The amount we talk via on-line what are we going to talk about in person?? Seriously...wtf? There is another guy named Mike and he seems nice..we shall see.