Monday, May 24, 2010

Brand New

So I have decided that I needed to change my attitude and become a "can do person"!!! I can do anything my heart and soul desires. Dragon lady, frenemies, assholes, douche bags, meanies, etc..cannot bring me down because I'm a good person. And more importantly as Rosie the Riveter said "we can do it!"

I haven't been sleeping that well lately, I'm not sure why. I can't decide if I have somethings on my mind or if I just rile myself up before bed. But I sleep with an eye mask on and I think I am having an allergic reaction to it..its a bit pink and and dry around my eyes. Crazy right??

Well, I have picked up a babysitting job on the weekends! Its so nice to have extra income for a rainy day and more importantly, I can pay my credit card bills. I gotta support my lifestyle hahaha!! Shopping in New York is such a tease...horrible!! I need to stop asap. Get this..the child is four years old and isn't potty trained yet. He doesn't tell me when he has to go pee and instead has accidents. And no he doesn't wear diapers. Well, we were waiting in line and he was tired and wanted me to pick him up. So I did obviously- he's my employer hahahaha :):)! As I was holding him I said, "do you have to go potty" and he simply replied with "no". My hands was warm and wet...the CHILD PEED IN MY HAND! ugh. Disgusting. But when the check was written to me I didn't mind hahaha

I've been doing still and there are three new guys :)! SUPER cute and so much fun!! I'm trying to go on some more dates right? Might as well play the field...but I am still talking to Mark. We hung out last night at his apartment..and texted the whole weekend. It was somewhat refreshing seeing him in a different light. We watched Law and Order and ordered in nice to just relax . Well the funniest thing was on commercial and it was a one. OMG i felt so awkward...and I didn't say a single word. I mean i guess at one point we have to acknowledge it?? Right?? Anyways..We talked majority of the time. But what kills me the most is...he still hasn't made a move! WTF? You would think this guy would try to atleast...well i did sit in the chair again hahahahahahaa oopsies :)

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