My friend Katrina is a complete sweet heart. I am so fortunate to have known her through college and we have just stayed in touch constantly. She is absolutely ridiculous in a drunken, crazy, fun, weird, and loving way. Katrina is one of a kind (in a great way ps!!) She met this guy Henry on my birthday actually :) and he went to the same school as us as well. He is a year older than us and works in the business field. Seemed like a nice guy and obviously a bunch of drinks later the exchanging of phone numbers allowing with saliva occurred. They stayed in touch and would see each other randomly and rendezvous! Katrina didn't have the same feelings for Henry as Henry did for Katrina..So long story short- They met up at the college drinking function went back to Katrinas place and did some heavy make outing. Katrina's roommates enter and start screaming at the poor guy and kicked him out. Henry has a really bad temper and attitude in fact it has shown in the past. He yelled at all three and told Katrina that she was a bitch along with her roommates and for her not to contact him again. One of the roommates broke his sunglasses by snapping it in half. Afterwards Katrina was distressed and was hysterically crying. A couple weeks go by and she gchats me and says "I want to call him and apologize for everything...and to set the record straight that I'm not like the roommates" and I simply replied with "don't do me it will make you look desperate in this situation and plus he isn't good enough." Ladies- we've all been in that situation regardless of what your best friends, god, your talking cat and dog says you don't listen to them because you do what YOU want to do. I've been there and done that. You learn from you mistake. Well, Katrina being the nice soul she is...bought Henry a new pair of sunglasses for a mere $90. And texts me to tell me this. I told her she was crazy and she shouldn't do it. Why? Because if this guy was a GOOD guy he would come forth and say listen what happened the other night wasn't cool and I don't appreciate any of it. And if he really cared enough he would make the effort. I don't like Henry as you can tell.
Work today was low key. Like I said in previous entry my boss was in a good mood once again. Amber today e-mails me and says "you've been awfully everything ok??" And I just want to say "no its not fact I'm so sick and tired of watching you and Jessie giggle about some inside joke..I feel like I'm in the flipping seventh grade again." Its like those cool girls and you just want to be like the same clothes, flip your hair the way they have it and even practice their demeanor. But instead I said "no nothing is wrong just busy with work" MOTHER F'ER called me out and said "thats a lie...we all have the same work load and its been slow...haha." umm ok how the hell do you respond to THAT? So I quickly changed the subject... I have been pretty good and not taking it personal. But its rough.
I went for a good run today around Central Park and now I am so sore. I struggled at first but then picked up my pace and really found my breathing pattern. Central Park makes me appreciate the nature and how beautiful it really is. I run around the reservoir and it looks all the way to the upper west side around 96th street. Breath taking its water and sky scrapers together..I should take a picture one of these days. But as I was running I was doing some thinking (wow a first right??) and it hit me! I can meet guys on-line via But what about my friends?? I realized that I really don't have that many friends here and how I WANT a close group of girlfriends. This is the first time in my life really that I don't have a set group of girlfriends I can call and say hey wanna grab a meal or maybe a cup of joe?? I've put myself out there for instance- when I was at the gym there was a girl in front of me and her pants were completely see through when stretching and she had a bright pink thong. So after class I told her and introduced myself and asked where she was from. She thanked me and told me..then walks away. So much for befriending a new person at the gym! Homegirl probably thought I was hitting on her!
I need to start going to my groups. I just don't know where else I can meet is impossible because of the double mint twins. The other girls that I am friends with seem to be involved with their own lives and well I can only do but some much right?
Nothing new today on match. I think I scared off sean...maybe I am too mean? I legit can't do anything this weekend and I may have to cancel on Mark because of my family coming to visit. Should I send him a message saying listen I hope you didn't take my previous message to heart because I do have a legitimate reason...ugh!! Whatever. I don't care enough. Cracker winked at me..I can't if he is one of those creepy guys because pictures kinda have weird but then CUTE ones?? I guess I should wink back. What is up with this winking thing??
I feel like I just need to be patient with everything I do and in my life. Things take time and I am slowly adjusting my lifestyle with New York. Its been a bumpy road thus far. But I guess I should buckle up and put on a helmet. Speaking of helmet I've decided that one day I am going to be THAT person that rollerblades in Central Park. Not only will I be rollerblading- but I will also be wearing a helmet, BRIGHT PINK biking shorts, with matching top and more importantly elbow and knee pads! I will be picking up men left and right :).
is it Kimberly or Katrina ;)